
XOL DOG 400 is a Berlin tekkno project foundet
somewhen in mid 1991, I cannot remember exact date.
The precursor of XOL DOG 400 has been the EBM Band
"Le Nokto Vezyn" which published the CD "Possibly
Idiot 2" in 1992 and then vanished.
1991-92 XOL DOG 400 had some gigs in clubs and at
smaller raves like the "B-Excited" Raves in Hannover.
XOL DOG published also some tapes at this time. These tapes sold
pretty well and some of the are collectors items today. Encouraged
from this "success" XOL DOG published its first CD
"Sons of T2" in April 1993. This CD was recorded live
during the 1992/93 sylvester party gig at the "Bunker"
in Berlin. This CD is sold out today. Well, we produced only
about 1000 copys. (Update 2003. The CD is available again. You
may even purchase it a t amazon.de)
1993 XOL DOG 400 had some more gigs, for example at
the legendary "ShockRave" in the subterrain B1 bunker
near Frankfurt / Oder.
1994 XOL DOG 400 played (among others) at the Berlin
"Bunker" "Total Hardcore" during the "Technografika"
exibithion. This gig was published on the CD "Trioxin".
in June 1994.
Both CDs had several airings in different radioshows
including the BBC radio "John Peel show"
Early 1995 XOL DOG 400 recorded a John
Peel Session which was first aired at the 27. of january
In the meantime, the XOL DOG 400 Spin off Rapid
DOG has published its first CD. (Update 2003: This project
does not live as a seperate project anymore but is now part of
XOL DOG 400)
In mid 1996 XOL DOG 400 produced Bunker Beats Bunker One double
CD compilation.
End of April 1997 XOL DOG published its 10 month delayed
new CD "Unstable
XOL DOG 400 Vinyl: Hardplastik 4 ("Demon Sukker
Recorded in Paris mid 1997, but published 1998: XOL DOG 400 and
Laurent Ho: Main Damage.
What else?Yes: Mid 1998 XOL DOG 400 played at John Peels "Meltdown
Festival" in London. XOL DOG 400 in front of 1500 SEATED
people... very strange.
XOL DOG has done even more Gigs, Soundtracks for TV
Commercials, Remixes, published Songs on several CD Sampler such
as the TERRODROME Series and bla bla bla.
And yes, one other thing: XOL DOG 400s side project "AntiZycle"
makes Ambient Noise. Exists since 2000 and published the first CD in 2002.